Ortho-Bionomy Services for women and babies with a midwifery perspective

Welcome to Ortho-Bionomy 

Ortho-Bionomy for women and babies and the whole family 

As a Midwife, I am in awe of every woman and her capacity to undergo immense changes and Life transitions with her body and Spirit, to shape shift, so gracefully, from one epic moment to the next! Nature is amazing and so are we.

I am also in awe of our wonderful pelvis. Ortho-bionomy optimizes baby positioning and alignment of mother and baby to one another. Orthobionomy gently supports pregnancy towards a healthy, ease-full and term pregnancy.

When due date arrives and passes, we can also invite and initiate labor to begin. This is simply done by the release of certain deep pelvic muscles, the pelvic floor, fascia, bones, sacrum and tailbone, ligaments and rib tension, but almost more importantly, the release of built up energy, stress, tension, apprehension and fear of birth. A healthy parent is resilient; calm, open minded, relaxed, yet toned and present in her ripened body.

Ortho-bionomy is also wonderful for both new parents or parents in a growing family. Every parent will experience a tired nervous system, tense shoulders, arms, sore hips, and bum, from too much sitting and holding baby throughout the day and night.

Ortho-Bionomy also supports all mothers through the challenges of breast-feeding, tight and tense shoulders and neck, especially after sore nipples or milk supply issues and pumping. I have been told by some of my post birth mothers, their milk supply was better after Ortho-Bionomy and were far less struggling with building milk? I believe a calm and strong nervous system supports a good milk supply.

Also, OB  can simply just make you feel happier, lighter, taller, stronger, sexier and more youthful and all because you will feel more connected to your self, your baby and your partner.

How can Ortho-bionomy help your Pregnancy?

  • Optimal baby positioning throughout the pregnancy. Support the co-existence and health of mother and baby and being in balance together, a sense of spaciousness, creating a new body awareness of ease and connection and good posture.
  • Alignment of misaligned baby in the womb or pelvis, \ by release of ligaments, psoas, pelvic floor, sacrum, coccyx, ribs, and more
  • Spine release: Neck pain, back pain, rib pain, spine pain, sacrum pain, sciatica, coccyx pain
  • Release of a tight pelvic floor and psoas muscle to ease labor and birth
  • Baby not dropping near end of due time (and this is your first pregnancy)
  • Baby feeling too tight” in your womb and providing more spaciousness and comfort for both of you
  • Pelvis pain: groin pain, sciatica, pubic bone, hip sockets, SI joints, hemorroids, round and broad ligament pain
  • Headaches and high blood pressure related to tension
  • Carpal tunnel relief, sore, tense and tight shoulders
  • Restless legs
  • Strains, sprains and joint issues, knee issues, round ligament pain
  • Sore feet or swollen ankles due to circulatory issues
  • Resetting the whole structure with a fresh start.
  • Feelings of stress, fear, tension, grief, sadness and emotional imbalance or stress from any type of trauma or abuse.

Most of all helping you to simply enjoy being in your growing pregnant body and feeling balanced, peaceful and at ease!

Please check out my family and individual gift packages below for ortho-bionomy care, if you and your family would like more frequent and regular visits at discounted price.

click here

ift certifcates and package

Ortho-Bionomy for preparation of pregnancy and fertility!

Ortho-Bionomy is very supportive for bringing on fertility and conception. You will find more balance, spaciousness, suppleness, tone and alignment to uterus, ovaries, broad and round ligaments and the pelvis. We can Soften scar tissue and enliven your pelvis with a soft glow of openness and receptivity.

One hour and half – first visit – sign up under Introduction to Ortho-Bionomy

Ortho-Bionomy for Menopause

Decrease tension, invite calmness and ease, support ovaries, uterus, organs, increase flexibility, tone and lymph. Have more energy, balance, resiliency, suppleness and look and feel younger and have better posture.

1 hour and half  first session

You will have a choice of hourly or hour and half visits after intro session

Pre Birth treatment

Tune in to your somatic and structural awareness with ortho-bionomy for labor and Birth (38-41 weeks) This is a Ortho-Bionomy and prebirth session for alignment of mama and baby for optimal fetal positioning by toning, release and alignment of pelvis and soft tissues and relaxation of mother. To aid in ease and comfort of pregnancy and birth. To aid in labor opening and initiation of labor.

For mother and partner (or mother only): A Pre Birth Session:

A Somatic and Structural experience through the fusion and therapeutic touch of Ortho-bionomy and Midwifery. 

This is a 2.5 hour session which should be done close to your due date. This session is very unique because I will be combining the practical wisdom of midwifery with somatic and structural body intelligence. This combination is a very potent perspective and can bring a simple and powerful approach to your birth journey.

We begin with guidance for labor and birth through a midwife’s perspective, and continue the session with a full body Ortho-Bionomy treatment. This will help you to  experience being in a state of softness and relaxation for your birth process and also to remind you that you are a perfect vessel for you and your baby’s journey.

Through your body, we will track together how to resource your deepest state of relaxation for natural child birth. Tune in and tune up and re-align for labor preparation and ease, for your birth journey!

This is an excellent beginning and base for all VBAC mamas and women who have had previous epidurals or 1st baby mamas.

2.5 hours

Three hour intensive pre birth experience and guidance

to be done about 35-39 weeks

For hospital birth parents. This will be a deep and thorough look into how to keep your birth simple. Excellent  for all VBAC mamas and women who have had previous epidurals or 1st baby mamas.This intensive is very unique because I will be combining the practical wisdom of midwifery with somatic and structural body therapy. This combination is a very potent perspective and will bring a simple and powerful approach to your birth journey. This is a 2 hour teaching and a one hour body therapy session, bringing the mind and body together, and experience your structure and your amazing body intelligence.

Through your body, we will track together how to resource your deepest state of relaxation for natural child birth. Tune in and tune up for labor preparation and ease your birth journey!2 hours class plus 1 hour alignment- total 3 plus hours

Post Birth Therapy for Mother 

Somatic Self

  • Re-entering into your post birth new body
  • Calming and soothing the nervous system, releasing feelings of
  • emptiness, fatigue and depression or feeling wired and unable to sleep or find your calm center. Feelings of panic, restlessness, anxiety and fearful thoughts
  • Having difficulty connecting to your baby and family
  • Release of birth trauma/story for mother and baby
  • Trauma; healing from cesarean surgery or difficult birth journey, for body and tissues but also for emotional body. Grief, despair, worry, insomnia

Physical Self

  • Sciatica
  • Prolapse of uterus, Prolapse of bladder, incontinence, hemorrhoids
  • surgical wounds and nerve pain and radiating pain, epidural lasting pain
  • Lumbar pain, sacrum and tail bone pain
  • Pelvis and hip re-alignment
  • Shoulder/neck pain and tension from breastfeeding
  • Abdominal muscle strain or separation, weakness

note* all sessions for new mothers require other parent, or family or friend to come with you to hold baby while you have your treatment.



Ortho-bionomy is gentle and deeply healing for newborn babies. The Cranio-sacral techniques of Ortho-bionomy, are similar to traditional cranio-sacral but also unique to Ortho-bionomy.  Ortho-bionomy cranial sacral work is an integration of the same whole body Ortho-bionomy techniques (rooted in Osteopathy) and traditional Cranio-sacral techniques.

OB helps the new born baby, sentient and open in body, spirit and emotion, to process her birth story at her own pace. She can re-center, align and realign her head after molding, integrate her birth experience and be more calmly embodied for her life ahead and, enjoy her new and wonderful body! Ortho-bionomy is extremely gentle, respectful and nourishing for babies.

I often advise my new mothers that both mother and baby will need an Ortho-bionomy treatment because of the synergetic relationship they have together. Mother and Baby are actually like one being for a while, which continues even beyond the ‘fourth trimester”. Both often need to find re-balance and alignment after birth. Even when the birth seems simple and un-traumatic one of the two passengers could have had a bumpier ride and this will effect the other. Calming one nervous system will calm the other. Ortho-bionomy can provide this for baby.

Ortho-Bionomy for new born Babies!

What does a session look like for baby?

As a midwife, I have been catching and holding babies since 1984. I am very comfortable with communicating and touching the little people. It is such a pleasure be able to integrate Ortho-Bionomy and craniosacral work with Midwifery! Together, it simply feels natural, tangible and profoundly familiar.

When a baby is brought to me, I will want to know her birth story from the parents. I then start the treatment as soon as she feels safe and connected with me. We may begin with eye contact and a quiet place for us to communicate and for me to respectfully and authentically tap into, literally, baby spirit time. This may be done on my lap, or in the arms of her mother or on the bed or massage table at my office. At this moment I will have all my presence and gentle attention with baby. We will be communicating silently and I will be listening very carefully to subtle shifts and releases as I track her body and face. I will make assessments about where possible tension and strain is being held in her body.I will let you know, what I am feeling, when I can, even though this is all transitory and shifting.

I will follow with positional and cranial sacral release techniques; The pressure of my touch will be no more than 5 grams (the weight of a nickel) or a soft hug. The range of therapeutic touch for a baby will be from soft hug, to very light to almost energetic. The work is very gentle. Sometimes children release emotions or cry during treatments and this is fine, they may need to tell their story, but the techniques do not hurt infants and children. Most children find the sessions to be deeply relaxing.

During a session I will adapt my technique to the attention span of the infant or child. Infants and children release quickly and have shorter attention spans then than adults. We will have space between releases and you may need to nurse her or hold her, until she is ready for more.

after the session, babies and children will often sleep for a longer stretch than usual….and sometimes they may be restless and have a crying spell after the session, releasing their story. Try to listen with an open ear to what they may be trying to express. This response is fine, but can be upsetting for the parents. Do not worry. The treatment continues to rebalance baby, for up to 4 days. Please feel free to give me updates or ask me questions.

You may notice positive shifts after one session but sometimes there will be no noticeable change until the second treatment. Your baby or child may have a session as often as once weekly, depending on what the issues are. In general 3 sessions is a good number. It is also important that the day of treatment and the day after, your child will have quiet retreat at home to rest and to be able to be physically close to you and her other parent and have your attention. Skin to skin is very healing and nourishing for both parent and baby.

It is always wise for both mother and baby to each have their own Ortho-B sessions because they are so attuned to one another and have been in relationship together since the beginning of conception. I have noticed when mother comes for her Ortho-Bionomy session and both mother and baby are nearby one another, (*a family member holds the baby during this time) as the mother goes into a deep state of relaxation, the baby goes into a deeper sleep also.

Difficult births

I am not sure there is such a thing as an “easy” birth and we should perhaps be careful of saying this to someone. There are many possibilities that can effect both riders along the powerful waves of labor, even with what we think of as a simple and straight-forward and “fast” birth journey. It simply is a miraculous journey, always! and whether it is fast or a longer journey, mother and baby are feeling it, for weeks or months after.

Imagine birth; the mother’s pelvis and her softening pelvic floor, opening to the tight and spiraling passage of the little one’s head and body, thus, more and more, creating pressure and force of labor?  The baby’s head and body is pressed and squeezed down by the rhythmic and naturally powerful forces of the womb. All along the way, as baby is in the vaginal tunnel she is tightly squeezed while doing a sequence of spirals and turns. Her head molding to the space.

As baby turns and passes through the birth canal, she will be ejected from the warm, watery womb onto and into gravity! and possibly a harsh, cold, bright lighted world…but hopefully, she will be comforted by going directly onto mother, skin to skin.

This short journey through the vaginal tunnel, is probably one of the most difficult we ever encounter, but it was what we were designed to do, and there are helpful measures to ease the passage, such as flexibility of the bones of the head, so that baby can mold with the mothers pelvis. The bones of the head have the ability to overlap, (molding) and most often lift back out, but sometimes the bones wedge into themselves and this can be very uncomfortable for baby…and for the mother, maternal hormones, allow the pelvic tissues, ligaments to give enough to widen the pelvic outlet width. However, problems can still arise from this journey.

Sometimes babies are injured in the birth process. The injuries may be both physical and emotional. Often their central nervous system is upset. Ortho-Bionomy/CST can address these injuries as well as the effects of precipitous (fast) or prolonged labor, vacuum extraction, forceps or cesarean birth.

Issues Ortho-Bionomy / CST can address for Baby and Children

Reasons for Ortho-Bionomy/Craniosacral Therapy – acute

  • Trauma at birth
  • Calming the nervous system
  • Entering and enjoying their body
  • Fussy, hard to soothe babies
  • Babies who seem uncomfortable in their bodies
  • Babies who have digestive or elimination difficulties
  • Reflux
  • Colic
  • Spitting up
  • Breastfeeding problems
  • Difficult latching or Latch problems that contribute to sore nipples for mama
  • Babies who favor turning their heads to one side
  • Babies who favor one breast or position for nursing
  • Babies who seem overly sensitive
  • Babies who hate tummy time
  • Non-sleeping babies
  • Breast-feeding and thriving issues due to pain for baby


  • Spine alignment
  • Hip alignment
  • Teething babies
  • Mobility concerns
  • Sleep issues
  • Middle ear infections
  • Difficult/fast/slow birth
  • Infant colic
  • Reflux
  • Chronic middle ear infections
  • Digestive or sensory motor impairments
  • Headaches
  • Sensory integration problems
  • Learning disabilities
  • Autism
  • Chronic pain
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Neurological conditions
  • Post surgery or chemotherapy

When does Baby need a little Ortho-Bionomy / cranio-sacral Therapy?

How does Ortho-bionomy help Baby (and Children)

  • A Baby who has experienced a long difficult birth, or long periods of separation from mother during post birth or has been through cesarean delivery or a very fast birth and the baby feels very wound up.
  • A baby who is experiencing their parents in stress, grief or trauma from abuse.
  • Fussy and hard to soothe, she needs a lot of help with calming and nursing
  • Baby who seems uncomfortable and tense in her body
  • Baby not sleeping and feels wired
  • Babies who seem overly sensitive and over reactive to sound or movement
  • Babies who have digestive or elimination difficulties, reflux, colic, spitting up
  • ortho-bionomy will help ensure a balanced and nicely formed head and a comfortable body
  • It is never too late to give a child Ortho-Bionomy for birth trauma

Breastfeeding problems

  • Difficulty latching
  • Latch problems that contribute to sore nipples for mamas
  • Baby who favors turning his head to one side
  • Baby who favors one breast or side or position for nursing
  • Breast-feeding, latching and thriving issues due to pain or trauma
  • Baby has a molded or mis-shapen head or face from the passage of birth
  • Baby simply is not thriving and growing optimally

Lastly, ortho-bionomy is wonderful for calming the nervous system and for baby experiencing a sense of pleasure with her new embodiment.

For the mother: What to Expect in a Session

If you have just had a baby, you will most likely need to bring your baby with you.  Please be sure that a family member or close friend will accompany you and be there to hold your baby as you receive your session and we can take short breastfeeding breaks, whenever needed.

Generally, as we start to heal and track your pain, it is a good idea to be prepared to come for your treatments weekly or bi-weekly as we begin to unfold the layers of your physical and emotional body. One Ortho-bionomy session is about an hour long but can go to an hour and twenty minutes because of settling in and settling after.

Please drink plenty of water the day of your session, to help fluids move in your tissues during and after your session.

You will be on a massage table fully dressed. Clean and warm socks are required. There are no two sessions alike. What you may experience in a session is your body settling into a deep state of relaxation and a quality of stillness. You may notice an internal experience of being fully present, calm and a sense of integration with parts of yourself. You will often be in a light dream state, sometimes you may notice an image, or emotion or specific time and place can come up and pass again. You may remain alert, smile, giggle, laugh or fall asleep, tremble, feel ticklish, a sad tender feeling, a tear, a light flash, a deep sigh, yawn, have funny little body jerks, have a noisy belly, and maybe snore.

Sometimes you may not feel anything at all, although I may feel your body releasing.

There will be a pause and rest and sometimes I may rock you gently in between each release position, for your body to respond, assimilate and settle throughout your session. I will often let you know what I am tracking, so that you can learn to sense the vocabulary of Ortho-Bionomy. I will be gentle with your body’s nervous system because sometimes the subtler the release the bigger the feel and response.

I will rely on your verbal feedback to find the techniques which best facilitate your body’s return to natural alignment and what is most comfortable for you. There should be no discomfort. You will let me know if there is.

Comfortable loose cotton clothing is suggested. Please no shorts, tight pants, or tight bras please. Long sleeves preferred, to allow for a full range of movement and exploration and a feeling of warmth. Socks are good. As the nervous system settles into a healing state your body may cool down. I will most likely cover you with a blanket and use different sizes pillows for your comfort. There is no oil involved.

for all new mothers, please download intake form before your visit HERE.

Mother Roasting Treatments for Post-Birth

Mother Roasting, is a wonderful way to deeply warm the new mother after she has given birth. Moxa uses a herb called Chinese Mugwort and comes in the form of a rolled stick, which looks a bit like a charcoal cigar. The end of this stick is lit and forms a hot bright ember. I use a smokeless type of Chinese Moxa stick. This treatment can take up to one hour.

The experience is deeply warming, nourishing, and nurturing, as we warm the uterus from the front and  back. It is a form of ritual of gratitude; for mother and baby passing safely through the threshold and now closing the gates.

Moxa treatment can begin around day 3 – 5 post vaginal birth and a little longer after a C-section.

Historically, Mother Roasting is the practice of warming the new mother to aid in recovery from childbirth and restore energy and bring back her chi energy. This takes different forms in various cultures. In Malaysia, a massage with a special stone that is heated on the fire, wrapped in a cloth and placed on the abdomen. In Thailand, the fire was at the mother’s bedside, where she would lie day and night rotating her body every half an hour. In the Hopi Indian culture in Arizona, the mother was rested on top of a heated bed of sand and a sheepskin, and then covered well.

Ortho-Bionomy and Post birth support

Here is a place for you to process your birth story through your body and your words, and have the support that is unique to you and your baby.

Our post birth visits are especially profound and helpful if you have felt any type of trauma during your birth experience. It is also equally important for partners to have a safe space to process their feelings. These visits are often wonderfully rich and powerful.

6 week Post-Birth care program for you and your new family with a Midwife

In many other countries and cultures it is well known that women who have just given birth are in a sensitively wide open, sacred and delicate transition and deserve proper time to deeply rest, hibernate and be well taken care of. We midwives, like to call it the 4th trimester. Mother and baby are still connected as one entity but learning to be in two new bodies. As mama’s body is physically healing, she is also processing her birth, her hormones, the loss of sleep and just only beginning the new experience of lactation. She is learning to breast feed and so is her newborn. It is most often not easy and nipples and emotions can be very, very sore at times. With all of this, there are many new and complex emotions. Most importantly, she is learning about a little new person, who is small in size but immense in mystery and needs. All of this is happening while her relationship with her partner transforms and expands to love another being. She and her partner are learning to become parents. It is important for mama, papa, and baby to have the support they need during this precious time. How can we help the extended family really help the family? It is baby Moon time!

Post birth (post-partum) care includes:

One visit about 24 hours after your birth at home or hospital, another visit about day 3 and day 10 at your home, and two more visits in week 3 and 6 at my home/studio or your home.

Each visit is at least 2 and a half hours long.

Care includes for baby:

  • support and education for what a normal healthy baby looks like and what to watch for
  • cranio-sacral-ortho-bionomy for release of tension or discomfort
  • positive skin to skin tips for a wonderful experience for the both parents
  • latch and suck observation and support for optimal breast-feeding or helping you find the best lactation person for you if the situation is called for
  • regular weight checks, vital signs, heart, lungs, respiration and temperature
  • elimination, peeing & pooping and spitting up
  • newborn screening if needed (Heel prick)
  • babies foot prints for your own personal certificate

For the mother:

  • processing your birth story: trauma, grief, and even a smooth and simple birth can leave you with many complex emotions, here is a safe place to unwind and realize what you have completed!
  • breast feeding support, skin to skin, good latch, breast infections or sore nipples or referring you to an IBCLC~teaching you how to breastfeed comfortably and keeping you in bed to rest and enjoy and celebrate your hard work~discuss baby’s sleeping patterns
  • Helping build  both parents confidence ~supporting both parents
  • checking on your blood flow and fundal check, perineal care and checking sutures if you have them and suture care
  • vital signs, blood pressure, pulse, temperature
  • homeopathy
  • medicinal food and supplements for a smooth healing
  • **mother roasting with Moxa for a smooth healing

Fees: $1800-2400.00 (6 visits, 5 of which are at your home) sliding scale 

For Baby

(see more about therapeutic benefits below)

Ortho-bionomy style cranial-sacral and body release for baby. First, it is highly recommended all mamas get at least one session combined with their baby treatment time, because you are both still intertwined as one body. The new baby body is feeling the nervous system of the mother. You will also experience what baby will, by having your own treatment, although adults may have more pressure in touch then baby.

ask about my home visits for baby

Our one hour together, is about being with baby and parents and working with baby on parents and off parents with many pauses, spaces and rests in between releases. Please read description below.

I am offering pre-crawling age to assist,  postpartum adaptation to the world, release of birth trauma/patterning, relaxation of nervous system and ahppier child!

I also will see children older than 5.


Mother Roasting Treatments for Post-Birth

Mother Roasting, is a wonderful way to deeply warm the new mother after she has given birth. Moxa uses a herb called Chinese Mugwort and comes in the form of a rolled stick, which looks a bit like a charcoal cigar. The end of this stick is lit and forms a hot bright ember. I use a smokeless type of Chinese Moxa stick. This treatment can take up to one hour.

The experience is deeply warming, nourishing, and nurturing, as we warm the uterus from the front and  back. It is a form of ritual of gratitude; for mother and baby passing safely through the threshold and now closing the gates.

Moxa treatment can begin around day 3 – 5 post vaginal birth and a little longer after a C-section.

Historically, Mother Roasting is the practice of warming the new mother to aid in recovery from childbirth and restore energy and bring back her chi energy. This takes different forms in various cultures. In Malaysia, a massage with a special stone that is heated on the fire, wrapped in a cloth and placed on the abdomen. In Thailand, the fire was at the mother’s bedside, where she would lie day and night rotating her body every half an hour. In the Hopi Indian culture in Arizona, the mother was rested on top of a heated bed of sand and a sheepskin, and then covered well.

Ortho-Bionomy and Post Birth Support for mother- at my home studio in Vallejo; body feels more at ease and calm, less pain, renewed energy, more clarity, quieting the nervous system and calming the emotion and spirit.

home visit- dependant on location-

all visits can include Ortho-bionomy and may include Moxa (mother roasting) and cranial sacral ortho-bionomy for baby and midwifery questions and answers

3+ hours for mother, parent and baby

3.5+ hours

4 + hours

4.5 + hours for mother, parent and baby

see prices in appointments tab

for baby

1 hour in your home $111-135 sliding scale

Our one hour together, is about being with baby and parents and working with baby on parents and off parents with many pauses, spaces and rests in between releases.

(home visits are dependent on location)

Midwifery and Monitrice Services –

Leopi is taking a sabbatical from all on call services. However, please contact me for all other midwifery consulting services and home visits.


Madonna and Blue Man in Creation

What is a Monitrice? She is quite different from a Doula. The word “monitrice” is french and means, one who monitors, instructs, coaches. A monitrice provides, physical, nurturing, emotional, and, informational support to the expectant family during labor, birth and post birth, just like a Doula but she also uses her skills as a midwife for assessing the progression of labor, so that we can do most of the good work in the comfort of your own home.

Monitrice services are particularly useful for families having a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) twins, those wanting an unmedicated birth, first time mothers, and those with previous negative birth experiences/s. If you hope to be able to stay at home as long as possible, before going to hospital or birth center, monitrice support can be invaluable.

Your monitrice care will include about 8-10 prenatal visits  (monthly and the bi-weekly) in your home or my home/studio in Vallejo, (each about 2 hours and with your partner included). this also includes labor support and birth support and post birth visits ( 6 post birth visits, the first 3-4 visits in your home and the last few at my home studio in Vallejo)

Monitrice care often is a midwife or a nurse hired to help the family labor at home as long as possible before transferring to the chosen care provider and birthplace (usually the hospital). The main difference between a midwife and a monitrice is that the monitrice is not in a position of primary responsibility for the birth (monitrices don’t catch babies except in the case of a precipitous birth).

During our prenatal visits, I will monitor mother and baby’s vital signs, optimal positioning of baby and monitor growth of baby.

You will have a midwifery based holistic perspective alongside your primary pre-natal care. Breast-feeding education, natural pain relief childbirth preparation and postpartum support preparation and also review your hospital birth plans. This includes counseling and relationship changes about sex, intimacy, subltle and not so subtle changes within relationship and yourself/selves, education and support in nutrition and nourishment, food supplementation with herbs and supplements, exercise, movement and breath, breastfeeding prep, birth prep, post birth prep, and informed consent prep. Leopi is also a certifed Ortho-Bionomy practitioner. Ortho-bionomy treatments support the health and suppleness of the pregnant and post pregnant body. We will work emotionally and structurally on alignment, for health, core awareness, optimal fetal positioning for you and baby and supporting co-experience of pregnancy and birth. We will always work towards optimal baby positioning. I am also able to work with your newborn baby.

I am not available as an “on call midwife” because you have a primary care doctor. Your primary care person is the first person you would contact in case of any immediate attention or emergency. Again, this means my care would be alongside your primary care person. Your primary care person or team are important to me and treated with respect and integrity always. We are your team and we are here for you.

Your prenatal and postpartum visits are very important and can prevent complications but most of all, prepare you for a calmer, simpler and smoother birth and a good family transition. We also have very interesting conversations and a lot of fun.

Post-Birth Care (6 visits total, 4 of which are at your home, 2 at my home studio in Vallejo): Postpartum would include one visit about 24-48 hours after your birth at home or hospital, another visit about day 3-4 (newborn screening if needed) 7-8 day visit and day, 2nd week at your home,  3rd week visit, 3 and 6 week visits at my home/studio or your home.

  • On-call for you 24 hours/day from 36 weeks until you have your baby
  • Attendance to your labor and birth journey as soon as you need a monitrice present.
  • Labor monitoring including maternal vitals, periodic fetal heart tone checks, and cervical dilation checks, if we feel it would be necessary.
  • I will remain with you for 1-2 hours after the birth and help with initial skin to skin or breast crawl and latch.

for baby

  • cord care
  • latching issues and breastfeeding support
  • vital signs (temperature, heart and lungs)
  • weight checks
  • crania-sacral for baby
  • watching for jaundice

for mother

  • vitals
  • perineal care and lochia assessment
  • breast-care and milk supply and support
  • homeopathy
  • nutrition
  • emotional support and family support
  • mother roasting with Moxa if needed
  • and ortho-bionomy for mother
  • rest and birth processing

It would be an honor to give to you and your family, a midwifery holistic perspective through the amazing journey of your pregnancy, birth and post-birth time.

Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission.